Freeride Filmfestivaltour startet am 15.11.2014

Der jetzt schon legendäre Bus voll mit Freeride-Pros und Powder-Videos tourt wieder durch die Lande: Mit dabei Samuel Anthamatten, Fabian Lentsch, Björn Heregger, Matthias „Hauni“ Haunholder, Bene Höflinger und Joi Hoffmann sowie als Moderatoren Flo Orley und Harry Putz. Nach dem Premierenabend bei der Alpinmesse in Innsbruck (15.11) präsentieren sie ihre Werke in Hamburg (17.11.), Warschau (19.11.), Krakau (20.11.) und Wien (21.11.). Vielfältig: Atemberaubendes Skifahren und Snowboarden der weltbesten Big Mountain Freerider wird ebenso zu sehen sein wie poetisches Freeriden von Hanno Mackowitz und Wintersport mit Surfboard à la McFly. Außerdem zeigen Behindertensportler, die sich ihren Traum vom Freeriden durch ihre Beeinträchtigung nicht nehmen lassen, anspruchsvolle Lines. Einzigartig ist beim Freeride Filmfestival, dass die Filmemacher und die Elite der Freeride-Athleten selbst vor Ort sind und man in entspannter Atmosphäre mehr über die Geschichten hinter den faszinierenden Bildern erfährt. Allein die Trailer machen schon Lust auf einen Powder-Kinoabend, seht selbst:

Trailer vom Freeride Filmfestival:


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FFF14 – Official Teaser from FREILUFTDOKU – Harry Putz on Vimeo.

how it was – 1st. Czech Splitboard Festival

OK, our Czech friends didn’t get the „Climb-the-mountain-Festival“ to be the first Splitboard Competition in the world 😉 Hey Marek! but maybe you will join us next year in Austria for a challenge hehe.
here his report from the 1st. Czech Splitboard Festival in April 2013:

The winter season 2012/2013 in Czech ski resort Spindleruv Mlyn was closed up by the First Czech Splitboard Festival. The event took place on Saturday, April 20th, right in Spindleruv Mlyn with a base camp near Harmony hotel. Although the weather was rather unfavorable and the snow conditions, especially in the ,,base camp” were not ideal,  numerous supporters of this non-traditional sport came to be present at this historical occasion.

At the meeting there was a chance to try out test Gara splitboards. Everybody seemed to be in a really great mood during that day. The relaxed and pleasant atmosphere was shaped also by a nice music, highly professional staff, bottomless bar, barbecue and funny comments of the festival’s main speaker and organizer Marek Hlisnikovsky.

The remarkable Trophys out of wood and true ash went to:
1.    Pavel “Pól” Pokorný
2.    Tomáš “Inge” Franz
3.    Vlasta Toušek

1.    Olina Smetanová
2.    Jitka Hronešová
3.    Michaela Klečková

For those who were not fully satisfied by the Saturday race, the next day a group slipboard trip took place – a challenging climb out along the Krkonoše Mountains. The core of the slipboard followers took part and all of them agreed that it was worth it so much! The reward was not only the great feeling after the performance but also delightful sunny weather.

,,We thank all the participants and splitboard lovers, who came to support us and enjoy the day despite the unpleasant weather conditions and with their good mood helped to create a great atmosphere of the first splitboard Competition ever,” add the organizers. Special thanks go to the organizers and sponsors, especially to Gara Splitboards, Boardbox and Represent, without whom this event could not have taken place.

Thank you all!!!   Marek & Team